
CIPPE 2022-nji ýylda Aziýa deňiz in engineeringenerçilik çäresi

CIPPE 2022

Aziýa deňiz in engineeringenerçiligi çäresi (FURIAN) 28-nji Iýabr aýynda Eýranyň Halkara Nebit we Nebit sergisi (CIPPPE) turbageçiriji we nebit dükanlary we transportynda 22-nji ýyllarda geçiriljek şerzly (Pripe), 22-nji Şentrashen halkara deňiz we gaz sergisi (Coideoo) we beýleki möhüm ugurlar.

CDSR will continue to attend the conference to display its products and technologies, and share with industry partners the experience in the solution design, equipment selection, product testing, engineering installation, field application of the oil loading and discharge system.

Biz sizi stendimizde bize baryp görmäge tüýs ýürekden çagyrýarys (stoint no .: W1035).

Sene: 18 IRU 2022